Beach Time

Beach Time
My favorite place to be

Sunday, December 28, 2014



After you've spent several minutes in praise and worship
enter a time of confession and repentance.
I teach this sequence because in Matt. 6:9, 12 Christ taught the disciples to "hallow" God's name first, then ask for forgiveness for sin.
However, I've experienced times when my heart was too full of sin and conviction to begin with praise.
Sometimes, based on Is. 59:1-2, you may need to begin your
prayer time with repentance rather than praise.
The Is. passage indicates that, when we have rebelled against God, all He wants to hear is repentance.
David's prayer of repentance simply started with the words,
"Have mercy upon me"!
As you become increasingly sensitive to the Holy Spirit, you will discern times when your prayer life needs to begin with repentance rather than praise.
Your heart will feel burdened with sin and anxious for relief.
No matter what, practice a time of confession and repentance DAILY!
(Beth Moore)

Psalm 51
Psalm 139:23-24
These are the places I start.  I often ask Him to show me hidden places in me that are not pleasing to Him.
Some verses I use for praying during this time is Romans 12:1-2, actually I like to pray through the whole chapter.  Phil. 2: 3-5 is another one I use.
It is good to start the day fresh with humility and a clean slate.  After all His mercies are new every morning and great is His faithfulness.

Please share with us some of the verses you use to pray!

Friday, December 26, 2014


Today we begin a journey through praising and praying in God's Word.
We will take apart the word P.R.A.I.S.E.  We begin today and will end New 
Year's Eve day.
We begin with P, which stand for praising the Lord.
Begin your morning prayer time with praise.
Psalm 22:3 tells us God inhabits the praises of His people. 
Sincere praise from your heart will invite God to pull up His chair and 
become our audience. 
You might repeat to Him a few of the attributes the Word records for Him. 
Tell Him Who He is! God already knows, but He's wanting to make sure 
we know. 
Praising God helps remind us He is fully able to do anything we could ask 
or think according to His will. 
Tell Him how great He is and why you think so! 
You might repeat to Him the word to a hymn or worship chorus. 
Don't try to fit into a mold, just praise Him with your heart.
The names of God would be a great way to focus on Him. 
Any of the praise psalms are great too.  The book 
31 days of praise, by Ruth Myers is a great way to start your day, also.
What I like to do is while I am reading His Word during my quiet time with 
Him is to be looking for words, verses He is speaking to me....what 
stands out to me.
I use those to turn into praises and prayers to Him.  I then focus on those 
throughout the day, which keeps my mind stayed on Him.
Today I would love for you ladies to share with us some of the ways you 
praise The Lord.  Do you have a favorite praise song that you like to listen 
You can upload files for the P.R.A.I.S.E. sheets on the T2Women blog on my
side bar.


Today we begin a journey through praising and praying in God's Word.
We will take apart the word P.R.A.I.S.E.  We begin today and will end New 
Year's Eve day.
We begin with P, which stand for praising the Lord.
Begin your morning prayer time with praise.
Psalm 22:3 tells us God inhabits the praises of His people. 
Sincere praise from your heart will invite God to pull up His chair and 
become our audience. 
You might repeat to Him a few of the attributes the Word records for Him. 
Tell Him Who He is! God already knows, but He's wanting to make sure 
we know. 
Praising God helps remind us He is fully able to do anything we could ask 
or think according to His will. 
Tell Him how great He is and why you think so! 
You might repeat to Him the word to a hymn or worship chorus. 
Don't try to fit into a mold, just praise Him with your heart.
The names of God would be a great way to focus on Him. 
Any of the praise psalms are great too.  The book 
31 days of praise, by Ruth Myers is a great way to start your day, also.
What I like to do is while I am reading His Word during my quiet time with 
Him is to be looking for words, verses He is speaking to me....what 
stands out to me.
I use those to turn into praises and prayers to Him.  I then focus on those 
throughout the day, which keeps my mind stayed on Him.
Today I would love for you ladies to share with us some of the ways you 
praise The Lord.  Do you have a favorite praise song that you like to listen 

Friday, December 19, 2014

Learning to Praise!

Ok, so I have not been on here most of this past year, because....this past year has been a particularly hard one for me.  Life has taken many twists and turns, unexpectedly.  One day everything is going along just fine and the next is turned upside down.  You ever notice how quickly that can happen?  
I needed some alone time with the Lord!  Just Him and me!  I love those times with Him!  I even gave up facebook for awhile and when I went back to it, it was in a totally different way, not consuming me.  
I belong to a wonderful group of ladies there, I would encourage you to check them out.  Women in the Word Bulletin Board.  We are about to embark on a jubilee journey for 2015.

Here are some things I have learned this past year:

1- Spending time alone with God and leaving all social media and                just Him, His Word and you, is so healing!
2- Praising Him at all times will change your focus!
3- Waiting on Him is not inactive, but active in praying through His    Word and waiting for Him to answer.
4-  Hiding His Word in your heart.....calms the storm, fights the battle, brings your focus back on Him and not on your feelings.
5-  Praying His Word-powerful!    

I will be posting each Friday!  It will be a time of Prayer and Praise!
Also, I will be posting on the 1st and 3rd Saturdays of the month Hiding His Word in our hearts. Ps. 119:11

Hope that you will join me!