Beach Time

Beach Time
My favorite place to be

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Memorial Day Weekend

This weekend I am spending it with my family. It seems as the boys get older there are less and less times that we have together as a family, so I like to seize the oppurtunity when I can.
We have a lilac festival where we live and this is one of our highlights this weekend and the firemen's parade. It is neat to see all the surrounding towns bring their firetrucks and hear all the sirens blaring! When my guys were little they once got to ride on one of those fire trucks in the parade. Much to their delight!
So how about you this weekend? What are you doing?

Oh yes, check out my friend Lynne's blog. She is a scrapbooker and does a great job! Way to go Lynne!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Life is just tough sometimes!

I believe that we go through tough times so that we can get to know God better. It is during those times that we lean on Him and draw our strength from Him. Are you going through a tough time? I encourage you to get into His word and memorize it and meditate on it. Give Him praise and glory and sing to Him. He delights in you!